This blog post is for freelancers and bloggers, who can’t figure out the best way to make money online. Also for people who want to start blogging or freelance business. Especially for freelance writers and bloggers because they do one thing which is “Writing”.
Blogging and freelancing give you the freedom and flexibility to work from home or anywhere. You are flexible to work part-time while doing your 9-5 job. You can complete your articles/projects from your hotel room or restaurant while traveling.
Blogging gives you more freedom compared to Freeeelancing – Oh! I just made a mistake but it’s my blog I have the freedom to do whatever I want. 🙂
If I had done this while writing a client article, they would have asked me to edit it. Freelancing has some limitations such as deadlines, formats, quality, etc.
Many of my friends work on sites like Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer, etc. I have worked as a freelancer content writer and earned four figures ($$$$) in 2-3 months from writing blog posts for other businesses.
My blogs and my YouTube channel are my primary income sources (Google Adsense).
What is Google Adsense
AdSense (Google AdSense) is an advertising placement service by Google. The program is designed for website publishers who want to display targeted text, video, or image advertisements on website pages and earn money when visitors view or click the ads. Source – Webopedia
We are just scraping the surface here, the Google Adsense earning depends on various factors. But just to simplify it – It depends on the traffic you get on your website. The more traffic you get the more money you generate.
What is a blog, blogger and blogging?

According to, a blog contains a writer’s or group of writers’ experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often has images and links to other websites.
Blogging is to maintain or add new entries to a blog and a blogger is a person who possesses the blog.
Blogging is a medium to express your thoughts by writing blog posts. It could be about your hobbies, daily routine, opinions, reviews, etc. Blogging is more than writing articles, to manage your blog effectively you require more than writing skills.
You can earn by monetizing your blog through affiliate marketing, and CPA offers, and your products and services. Many bloggers cover a niche, they write about a specific topic they are knowledgeable about.
What are the pros and cons of blogging
Blogging is not just about writing and posting blog posts. We need to perform different tasks to keep my blog in momentum. For example, I need to promote my blog posts, research upcoming topics, social media scheduling, networking, backlinking, etc.
Short-term Vs Long-term
Blogging is better than freelancing because it’s a passive income source. You can earn money through various methods while you are sleeping. Blogging is a passive income source your blog is set to generate money 24/7 for 360 days and you can enjoy your vacation in any part of the world and earn money from your blog. Blog Is like launching a rocket once it is in the space you need very, little effort to keep it in the momentum but you get pressurized to maintain the quality of the content and also to keep your brand value and keep the content growing to keep the cycling balanced.
Long-term -So when it comes to choosing between short-term income goals versus long-term income goals blogging can give you a long-term passive income source but you have to work hard to launch your heavy rocket with a lot of hard work and dedication to keep it in the momentum.
So in conclusion blogging is a long-term passive income source. Freelancing is a short-term income source.
Security and reliability

Is blogging reliable? your blog may get penalized by Google and you may lose your money generating traffic. I don’t think blogging is completely insecure but it is not as reliable as freelancing.
You have lots of competition and you can get banned by ad networks like Google Adsense. Affiliates can change the terms and conditions at any time.
Blogging can give you traffic but it can’t give you money your traffic does not influence your earnings it depends on various factors.
Business model and roadmap
Blog helps in lead generation which is one of the best things when it comes to business lead generation people love to read about and explore new things in the industry and your blog can help them to stay connected with the industry while you are growing your blog or business.
Blogging can support your business website to get more exposure and also increase your search engine visibility.
Is blogging business?
Blogging is not a business it is just a way to express your thoughts. Ad networks and paying these blogs to show their ads to their targeted people and using your blog to increase their revenue they are sharing a percentage of their earnings with you.
Earning Potential
There are multiple ways to monetize your blog posts. And your overall blog.
You can earn from various methodologies in the blogging income stream you can add multiple ad networks and you can accept guest and sponsored posts and you can also add affiliate products to get commission from.
That may not seem like much in the beginning when you’re struggling to reach a dollar a day in AdSense clicks, but once your blog starts generating steady traffic the profit potential is virtually unlimited.
The frustrating thing is that your blog probably won’t make any money at all for at least the first six months or for years.
Blog Does not pay immediately
Qualification and Skills
You don’t need to be qualified or have a formal education in blogging or writing. Having experie
SEO, HTML, and designing skills
Time & Freedom

Now let’s take it practically. How much time you would require to earn $10 from an article from Google AdSense you will need at least a month depending on the traffic you are getting. But I am talking about the new blogs which are not generating a lot of traffic. In this case, it will take at least a month. Also, you have to promote your article to increase your search engine visibility and you need to have a social media presence to get social media visibility.
Blogging is about patience and freelancing also needs patience but freelancing is better than blogging because you get some upfront payment from your clients which is a motivational factor to keep you going. It kicks your butt to work on your client’s project to get more money and satisfy them.
On the other hand, blogging is also a game of patience but you get disappointed when you don’t earn much from your blog and that’s a huge demotivating factor as there is no one to push you you get lazy about your blogging goals and think about being a perfectionist or rather end up with garbage articles which are not going to rank anyway or not going to engage people at all. Because you are writing those articles for the sake of Google and to earn money.
Blogging takes a lot of time
You learn a lot of other things to maintain your blog. You work on yourself to become a blogger, writer, and content creator. As a blogger you’re not only a writer, but also an editor, publisher, designer, marketer, and entrepreneur.
It helps you to add dimension to your life.
Initial investments
Credibility and Branding and networking
It increases your credibility in the marketplace and helps you to get views and exposure from like-minded people.
It increases your networking.
Control and Flexibility
Worries, hard work, motivation deadlines, and challenges
blogging can be more challenging than the freelancing career
Blogging needs inner motivation which helps you to stay focused but low earnings can demoralize you and you may not feel good while blogging.
Initial days are difficult:
Blogging requires hard work every day
Hard to drive traffic to blogs.
Being a blogger I feel very overwhelmed when I think about the tasks I need to perform to get more traffic from search engines and social media.
Also being a solopreneur is a tough task. In the beginning, blogging gives you less money and more work.
Blogging also gives you full control but your earnings are unpredictable you can earn $12 a day or you can earn $100 a day. You have no control over what kind of ads you are showing on your blog, when your accounts going to get terminated, the terms and conditions of monetization, etc.
What is freelancing and what do freelancer and freelance mean?
According to, freelancing means – a freelancer is a person who works as a writer, designer, performer, or the like, selling work or services by the hour, day, job, etc., rather than working on a regular salary basis for one employer.
Freelancing means you are working online remotely for different employers.
What are freelance businesses and services?
A freelance business is a business where a team of people or a person works remotely for multiple clients. A team or a person can offer writing, designing, bookkeeping, data entry, or any other services on an hourly or fixed-rate basis.
What is a freelance blogger (writer) and freelance blogging (writing)?

Whenever I blog it’s whether for my blog or my client’s blog. If I blog for my blog I would be a blogger and whenever I write for clients I would be a freelance blogger.
I work as a content writer for a business anonymously. Writing blog posts anonymously for businesses is called Ghostwriting because people don’t know who is the real writer of the blog post.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of freelancing (freelance writing)
Pros and cons of freelancing
Today businesses are looking for article writers to increase their search engine visibility. They are hiring freelancer bloggers and content writers.
Freelancing gives you upfront money from your clients to work on projects. Blogging gives you a return on what you have created already the return could be or it could be more than what you have worked.
Short-term Vs Long-term
Freelancing is short term and there is no chance of passive income. Simply you work and you get paid. Just like you are working for a company. If you can’t give results or help business to earn more your work is finished.
Security and reliability
Freelancing gives you security and reliability you can rely on these freelancing sources and earn from things you can do. There are plenty of job opportunities in the marketplace where you can cash your talent skills and money. You just need to approach your potential clients with the right price and the right pitch. If you are a newbie you can start outreach or start to work for free on a few projects to get the ball rolling and to earn the trust and your clients. You have to earn trust before you can start working on their project and that’s why you need live examples of your work. Your work gives you security to get work from various clients and keep your business stable.
Is freelancing reliable?
Your big client can ditch you if he gets a reasonable source.
But when it comes to freelance you have a business that can give you more reliability because you have scope to find new clients and to utilize your networking and get some work.
Business model and roadmap
Freelancing is a business where you work and you get paid for it. Blogging is not exactly a business but it is something that helps you grow online and increase your search engine visibility.
Freelancing also gives you a sense of being a businessman because you have a client and you have work to do and you may have a team to work on your client’s project.
I truly think blogging is not a business. You are just monetizing your blog/Website, in simple words you are leasing your Website/blog space for a third-party ads network. On the other hand, freelancing you have a business model you have business strategies to acquire new clients, and you have strategies to increase your branding and make your clients happy.
Earning Potential
Freelancing is easier than blogging because freelancing is a business where you can make things tangible for example you will write 500 blog posts for a client for $10 each. When it comes to blogging you never know what your earnings will be from a blog it depends on the traffic you are getting and the ads you are showing on your Website.
On the other hand, freelancing is giving you 100% money and it’s up to you what value you decide for yourself. It could be $1 per hour or it could be $10 per hour. So it’s easy to conclude freelancing gives you a lot more control over how much you are going to make. So if you want to make $1000 a month. you just need 10 clients who are going to pay $1000.
Freelancing is a good way to earn money because you work for money and you get it as soon as the work is complete.
Qualification and Skills

When it comes to freelancing you have to find new clients improve on skills to make clients happy with nonsense clients and handle the various problems a business owner can face.
On sites like Upwork, Fiverr, People per Hour, Guru, and Freelancer your profile gets more views and exposure if you have any experience and examples to show your prospective clients. Your rating as well as your nationality also plays a vital role in getting these jobs.
To get high-paying jobs you need qualifications. Many prospects ask for work samples or ask about your qualifications before giving you any work.
Time & Freedom
So considering the time factor I think freelancing is more money in less time because you are working for money and it’s a business you are not getting revenue share from any ad network such as Google Adsense. You are not sharing your money. That’s why it’s the best way to spend your time earning money rather than building someone else’s business.
As a freelance writer, even when you’re given a lot of leeway, you’re generally in a position where you have to consider someone else’s platform’s goals and the desires of an audience you didn’t build.
As a content writer, you’re bound to whatever your client wants you to write.
No investment
Credibility and Branding & Networking
Your client usually publishes an article written by you under his name This is known as ghostwriting.
Control and Flexibility
Worries, hard work, motivation deadlines, and challenges
Blogging has endless tasks to perform and freelancing has fewer tasks to perform compared to blogging and that’s why you can feel relaxed when you don’t have any work to do or you have enough work lined up.
What is easy freelancing or blogging? I would say blogging is though but freelancing is quite easy because you know your abilities and skills and you would be good at it and that’s why you want to freelance.
Why are freelance workers more motivated Freelancing is motivating
It is motivating because you are earning money from your work. It’s not what you decide or what you work for, it’s just the market price you can charge more if you are experiencing and know how to do your work on time and provide a qualitative output that helps your client’s business.
As you are getting money upfront you are feeling motivated to work more and more and get new clients more and more, keep happy your customers who are giving projects and who are adding recurring income sources to your bank balance.
Lesser worries:
I think when it comes to having control of things. Freelancing is more controllable because you have control over how much you want to earn, how much you are worth, which clients you want to work with, etc.
Fixed earning
Continuous Work
Boss Issues
Over time freelance writing may become monotonous
The issue with freelancing is that if you become successful, freelancing will feel like work.
the work you do must be professional and high-quality.
Who earns more bloggers or freelancers?

I would say both earn because how much you want to charge your clients is up to you and how you monetize your blog posts and blog is up to you. You can simply rely on Google AdSense or monetize your blog through various methods. You can accept guest blogs and sponsored posts but I am thinking about Google Adsense and the earnings from Google AdSense.
If you are starting and want to know who earns more definitely bloggers’ earnings increase gradually if they are patient and keep blogging and have huge traffic and their earnings grow from 0 to 100 and 100 to 1000 how much time will it take to jump from 1 to 100 and from 100 to 1000 is totally up to you.
Freelancing can be a stable earning source because if you’re a solopreneur you have limited time and limited clients to handle but if you are giving quality then you can charge more to your clients and earn more than bloggers.
Blogging needs time freelancing gives you instant money but it is not a passive income source says blogging. So while balancing freelancing and blogging you can earn more.
How to make your decision
Know what you want to achieve in life
What resources and skills do you have
Everyone has skills and talent you could be good at designing, but that doesn’t mean you can’t blog you can post your work-related posts with very little content which can help you earn from Google Adsense.
Freelancing is better than blogging but it’s up to you what you want to achieve. If you want to grow your existing business maybe you should have a blog to increase your existing freelancing business. If you are blogging maybe you should try to work for others to add those extra bucks to your pocket. Freelancing and blogging can go hand and hand and with these extremely powerful earning mediums, you can not only make your living but can build a lucrative online business.
If you want to build a long-term earning resource then you should be blogging and if you want short-term earning sources you should freelance.
You have two choices to make money online write for your blog or write for clients or other companies to earn money. It is totally up to you what way you prefer whether you want to build a long-term blog that generates steady income or you want to work for companies.